The Royal Danish Defence College is happy to announce its second annual PhD. Games at Frederiksberg Castle in Copenhagen.
This two-day seminar focuses on discussing the participating Ph.D.-students’ work through a number of collaborative paper sessions, while also inviting prominent external keynote speakers to give lectures relevant to scholars within security-, military, and IR studies.
To welcome as many PhD-candidates as possible from the above disciplines, the seminar does not have an explicit theme, but seeks instead to create a mutually inspiring and enquiring space in which the Ph.D-students can present their work and give peer critique to their colleagues and other scholars.
The seminar is free of charge, but can only accommodate a limited number of participants. Moreover, it is ex-pected that most participants are able to pre-circulate and present a paper at the seminar to their peers, taking, however, into account where individual students are in their respective projects.

October 24
Welcome by Anne Roelsgaard Obling & Jens Bjering, RDDC
Introductory remarks by RDDC Dean Henrik Breitenbauch
Paper sessions: Karina Mayland, Martin Haugland, Per Lindegaard, Lise Wiederholt Christensen, John Nisser
“A Love Letter to Failure: experiential learning and the human side of gaming”, Jenny Oberholzer, RDDC
Mikkel Storm Jensen: On writing article-based PhD-dissertations
Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies Presents: Military studies publications in a Scandinavian context
October 25
Keynote 1: “On Reading”, General Knud Bartels
Coffee Break
Text Discussion: TBA
Keynote 2: “The Origins and Development of Wargaming”, Professor Anders Engberg- Pedersen, Uni Southern Denmark
Closing remarks, Anne Roelsgaard Obling & Jens Bjering