Thanks to everyone making NATO IN THE NORDICS possible! The conference NATO in the Nordics, hosted by SJMS and CSMS, is over.

A keynote from Lieutenant General Michael Claesson, Chief of Swedish Defense Staff, opened the first day at the SJMS/CSMS conference NATO in the Nordics at Södertörn university last week. Stating that in the coming years, were “war is back”, there is a great potential of Nordic collaboration. But also underlined, that we need to be aware of and open towards the small but important differences.
Lieutenant General Kim Jesper Jørgensen, director of Danish Ministry of Defence, Acquisition and Logistics Organisation, also talked about these small, but important differences in his keynote on the second day of the conference, where he introduced to the new situation for the Danish defense, focusing on Homeland Defense. What is required from the research community, to respond to such a situation, which we will experience in the coming years, the audience wondered.
Over 80 researchers and practitioners from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, US, Canada and Netherlands were gathered to discuss these potentialities, but also differences that is important to be aware of, talking about NATO in the Nordics. (Some of which you can see on this group photo below, taken before the conference dinner Wednesday evening.)
We would like to thank every paper presenter, registered guest, chair, keynote and organizer for this great event! In the following week, we will share summaries of the intriguing discussions at the conference at SJMS LinkedIn-profile:
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